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Safety Meeting Material

Aerial Lift Safety 

Aerial Lift Safety Video

Antenna Safety

Radiation Hazards From Antennas


Asbestos Exposure Video


Bio-hazards faced by Trades and Engineers

Chemical Safety

Compressed Gases Video

Confined Spaces

Confined Spaces Video

Driving Safety

Hazards of Drowsy Driving

Distracted Driving

The Lie of Multitasking

Electrical Safety

Electrical Wiring Safety

Extension Cord Safety

Hazards of Overhead Power Lines

Safe Practices for Extension Cords Video

Arc Flash Video

Electrical Safety Video

Equipment Safety

Equipment Maintenance

Fall Protection

Fall Protection Video

Fall Arrest Video


Long Work Hours and Fatigue

Fire Safety

Fire Safety Toolbox Talk

How to Use a Fire Extinguisher Video

Fire Response Video

Fire Safety Tolbox Talk

Forklift Safety

Forklift Safety Toolbox Talk

Forklift Safety Video

Ground's Safety

Chain Saw Safety Video

Hearing Protection and Noise

Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection Video

Heart Health

Employee Heart Health

Heat Stress

Protect your workers from Heat Stress Infographic

Protect Yourself from Heat Stress

Fast Facts on Heat Stress Infographic

OSHA Health Effects of Heat Infographic

Protect Yourself from Heat Exposure Infographic

Heat Stress Video 

Holiday Safety

Halloween Safety Video

Injury Investigation

Incident Investigation Video-Part 1

Incident Investigation Video-Part 2

Ladder Safety 

Basic Ladder Safety

Extension Ladders

Safety Bulletin - UIC Ladder Accident Investigation

Step Ladders

Ladder Safety Video


Lead Awareness Video

Lifting and Moving Materials

Lifting and Carrying Materials

Back Stress Video

Lockout Tagout

Lockout Tagout - Electrically Charged Equipment

Locking Out Electrical Equipment

LOTO Safety Video

Machine Guarding

Machine Guarding Video

Outdoor Safety


Preventing Lyme Disease

Summer Safety - Preventing Skin Cancer

Summer Safety Video

Personal Protective Equipment

Eye Protection

Hard Hat Safety Video

Respiratory Protection Video

Power Tools

Carpal Tunnel

Hammer Safety

Power Saw Safety

Vibration Hazards

Power Tool Safety Video

Preventing Falls

Preventing Falls Through Holes

Preventing Falls From Heavy Equipment

Preventing Falls From Scaffolding

Silica Safety

Silica Safety

Traffic Safety

Working in Streets

Weather Safety

Lightning Safety

National Weather Service Talk on Lightning Safety

Tornado Safety

Cold Weather Safety

What to do if You Hear Thunder

Working Safely in the Cold

Welding Safety

Arc Welding Safety and Fire Safety

Arc Welding and Electrical Safety

Winter Safety

Slips, Trips, and Falls-Winter Edition Video

Cold Weather Safety Video