Lab Safety Responsibilities for Principal Investigators and Chemical Hygiene Officers Training-Classroom

Principal Investigators (PI) are directly responsible for the safety of their workers. Principal Investigators can be held criminally liable for not ensuring a safe workplace. You cannot delegate your supervisory responsibilities for safety. This is a one time course requirement for all PIs. Chemical Hygiene Officers, Lab managers and others who help PIs maintain a safe laboratory environment should also attend.

Materials needed on day of training: University iCard, pen/pencil and note pad.

Register to an upcoming training

Complete the following steps to register.

  1. Go to
  2. Login in with your University NetID and Password
  3. Select Training
  4. Select Course Directory
  5. Select Lab Safety Responsibilities for Principal Investigators and Chemical Hygiene Officers Training (Classroom)
  6. Click on the Sessions tab
  7. Select the date you will attend.